KYSA Return to Play Plan

This Return To Play Plan will outline the steps our association is taking to maximize the safety of all players, volunteers, and coaches who may take part in any of our programs.  All information presented falls in line with the ViaSport Return To Sport guidelines (published on June 1, 2020 – HERE) and those of BC Soccer, our governing body (published June 3, 2020 – HERE)

All soccer programming under the current BC Restart Plan will look and feel different to what has been.  It is essential that every participant understands the responsibility they hold toward maintaining a safe sporting environment for everyone else.  We are excited to be bringing players back to the field where they can enjoy the ‘beautiful game’ with each other in person and safely.

There is inherent risk with any activity and every family situation is different.  Before registering for any of our programs please read the information presented below and contact us with any questions or concerns (, 250-376-2750).  We want you to be fully informed and confident with the decision you are making for yourself and your child.  Should you be concerned about any member of your family we encourage you to seek additional guidance from your doctor before registering for any of our programs.

The KYSA would like to acknowledge ViaSport, Canada Soccer, BC Soccer, and the City of Kamloops for their work and continued effort to ensure our return to organized sport is as responsible as can be.

  • More info about COVID-19 Transmission, & Symptoms (per ViaSport) – HERE
  • Click HERE for the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool

Return To Play Specifics
We are in Phase 1 of the ViaSport & BC Soccer’s Return To Play Plan.  All programming will follow the “transition measures” as outlined in the table below.  All participants are expected to understand their responsibilities as outlined in this same table.

The measures that will be taken by the KYSA during Phase 1 will follow the Five Principles from BC’s Restart Plan and are outlined below.  This list is not exhaustive and additional measures may be in place when you attend your program.

Personal Hygiene

  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the field and participants are asked to also bring their own.
  • Participants will refrain from physical contact with all other individuals (who do not live in their household) while at the field.
  • Participants are expected to cough / sneeze into their elbow and not their hands

Stay Home If You Are Sick

  • Participants must assess their own state of health before leaving home to attend programming
  • Players will be required to check-in with the designated official upon arrival at all programming and verbally confirm that they are healthy and symptom free before participating.

Environmental Hygiene

  • All training equipment (balls, cones, pinnies, goal posts, etc.) will be sanitized before and after use.
  • Minimal sharing of program equipment whenever possible.
  • No heading or handling of the ball (except in the case of goalkeepers)
  • No sharing of water bottles or any other personal equipment
  • GKs are not to share gloves or spit into their gloves

Safe Social Interactions

  • Players are to arrive at the field ready to play and are not to get changed at the field.
  • Players will have a designated personal training space.
  • Participants will maintain 2m physical distancing from all others at all times (except with members of the same household).
  • Any activity leader that must move within 2m of physical distance to tend to a participant will wear a mask and, in the case of physical contact, gloves.
  • Reduced volume of participants on a field (12 per ¼ of an 11v11 field – per BC Soccer guidelines).
  • Non-contact activities during Phase 1.

Physical Modifications

  • Designated Ingress / Egress points / paths specific to each field and area of play.
  • Clearly defined training areas for each group of participants.
  • Players, coaches, and designated staff at the field only
  • Spectators not permitted near the play area and are asked to watch from afar while maintaining appropriate physical distancing.

Participation Guidelines
All participants (players, coaches, volunteers, club staff) will abide by and follow the agreements, policies, and procedures outlined below.  These items have been developed to ensure the safety of all participants and of our community as a whole.  This is required reading from every individual who may be present at one of our programs.  In the case of younger children, parents are expected to outline their responsibilities to them prior to the commencement of any program.

  • Participation Agreement – HERE (completed at the point of registration)
  • BC Soccer Youth Participant Waiver – HERE (completed at the point of registration)
  • Pre & Post Activity Checklist for Players & Parents – HERE
  • Pre & Post Activity Checklist for Program Leaders – HERE
  • Abide by the KYSA Illness Policy – HERE


  • Spectators are expected to remain a minimum of 10m away from any playing area
  • Spectators are expected to maintain respectful physical distancing at all times with individuals not from their household.
  • Spectators are not to enter the area of play or the space between fields at any time unless asked to do so by a program leader.

Fields & Facilities
Everyone is expected to be familiar with the safe arrival / departure details specific to the field and facility where their program is taking place.  These details are provided below:

  • Maps will be available once field bookings are finalized

At all facilities people are expected to:

  • Maintain physical distancing at all times
  • Avoid congregating
  • Accompany any child that may be unable to manage the above points on their own

First Aid
All fields will be equipped with a first aid kit stocked with the appropriate items as well as gloves and masks should an individual need personal attention.  ​In the unlikely event of an injury the following protocols will be followed:

  • The coach will communicate with the player to assess the injury verbally, at the minimum 2M physical distance
  • Depending on the injury, the following may occur: 
    • The player will sit out until they feel better to re-join ​
    • The player will walk to their parent for attention
    • The player will receive first aid treatment from staff using gloves and a mask.
    • If required, emergency services will be contacted.

Risk Management
We are following all recommended steps to ensure the safety of all participants. In addition to the guidelines outlined above, KYSA will be implementing the following measures to mitigate risk: 

  • Appointment of a Safety Officer
    • Attendance at all sessions 
    • Manage any contact tracing reports 
    • Oversee all program implementation to ensure compliance with safety protocols
  • All Community, Prep and Small Group sessions will be delivered by staff coaches 
  • Select sessions will be delivered by a mix of staff and volunteer team coaches
  • KYSA will follow the Outbreak Plan (HERE) in the event a case/outbreak is reported 

Final Remarks
The KYSA is committed to keeping our community and all participants as safe as possible with the ultimate goal of seeing us all back to normal sooner rather than later.  We will be holding our staff, volunteers, and participants to the highest of standards and, while full compliance to our enhanced protocols may be inconvenient, it will help us all return to enjoying our game as we remember it as soon as possible.




Austin Pietramala is an excellent young coach and former KYSA player. In his time with KYSA he has played in and coached in multiple Provincial Cup Championship Finals. A great accomplishment for an enthusiastic and encouraging young man.

Austin will be leaving us in August to become Dr. Pietramala! We want to wish him all the best in his future career and thank him for the example he has set in our community.

Read Austin’s feature HERE


Return to Play Update 

BC Soccer is working with the Provincial Government to formulate a plan for the return of soccer. You can read more HERE. 

Following the BC Government’s press conference on May 6, 2020 with details on BC’s Restart Plan, we are optimistic that soccer will return in some capacity as soon as mid-May. We continue to take direction from BC Soccer and we are working on a plan to offer modified soccer activities for both recreational and competitive players. More information will be provided on available programming as soon as possible.



KYSA Summer Camps presented by Hansport 

Secure your spot now! Registration is open for KYSA’s Summer Camps presented by Hansport. To allow for social distancing space is limited, so make sure to sign up early so you don’t miss out. A $25 deposit is required to hold your spot. The deposit will be fully refundable if the camp is cancelled or dates are changed. 

For more information on our camps, CLICK HERE.

Register by May 31st for a chance to win a $50 KYSA Credit for one of our Winter Programs! 

Please note: these camps will go ahead provided that we have the approval of BC Soccer and our Provincial Health Officer. We will follow all guidelines put in place by public health to ensure the safety of players and coaches. 


2020 Scholarship Awards

KYSA will be continuing with our Scholarship Awards for the 2020 season thanks to our generous sponsors. The deadline to apply is May 31, 2020. All submissions can be emailed to

For more information and the application form, CLICK HERE

BC Soccer Scholarship Awards

Applications are also open for BC Soccer’s 2020 Scholarship Program. The deadline to apply is May 31, 2020. 

For more information, CLICK HERE.

© 2025 Kamloops Youth Soccer Association