Newsletter & Features


Each Friday KYSA will feature a staff member, board member, coach, volunteer or player. If you would like to nominate someone to be featured, please contact Executive Director Missy Cederholm by email at or by phone at 250-376-2750.



2020 Features

June: Austin Pietramala 

2019 Features

January: Missy Cederholm | Clive Lovett | Ciaran McMahon

February: Mark Bell | Nevada Woods | Evelyn Luce | Candace Dodson-Willis

March: Rod Gurnsey | Terri Hansen | Ali Campmans | Ian Cairns | Norah Bell

April: Kendra McDonald | Kawato Holmes | Addison Sun

May: Rachael Bliss | Emma-lea Bliss | Emma & Grace Covaceuszach | Carter Thiessen | Emily Clark

June: Payton DeFehr-Robb | Nevaeh Gelowitz | Tasha Vedd & Corinn Bell 

July: Aubrey Davison | Heidi Haywood | Allison Amy

August: Ria Campmans | Luis Adamo


The Kamloops Youth Soccer Association Click to read more...publishes a bi-monthly newsletter called “Soccer Shorts”.

The newsletter is emailed to all KYSA members and the link is posted on our Facebook and Instagram Pages.

The newsletter is a vehicle through which the Association’s sponsors are given recognition. It is also a summary of updates for the organization.



2020: January/February | March/April | May/June

2019: January/February | March/April | May/June | July/August | September/October | November/December

2018: January/February | March/April   | May/June 

July/August | Sept/Oct | Nov/Dec 

2017:  January/February | March/April | May/June 

July/August | Sept/Oct | Nov/Dec

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© 2024 Kamloops Youth Soccer Association